girtholomew, girthmeister, girthomew, girthome, mirthgolothew; he is my 5e dragonborn storm cleric pc. he is 23yrs old, 6' 7", and named himself while still learning common <3he is a fairly shy, repressed, and strongly morally aligned person. he grew up on an isolated island inhabited by a cult, and escaped to mainland with a complete lack of knowledge about most things in the world. this lack of knowledge extended to his knowledge of slang in Common, hence the name girtholomew (his thought process was 'girth means big and I am big').
girtholomew is a bronze dragonborn with softer, not-well defined scales. he has two brown horns on either side of his head that curve inward and fade into his brows. he has a characterizing facial scar on the left side of his mouth, revealing some of his back teeth and pulling his face upwards.
he has two main outfits. one is fairly simple cleric attire, a deep navy blue sleeveless tab-collar shirt with an offwhite button up underneath. he wears a mid-length skirt of the same blue material and usually wears a brown belt over it. this is his more casual outfit, so its often shoes-free, or his feet are wrapped
the other outfit is worn over the previous outfit, and it is his heavy red dragon scalemail armor. it has a sort of cathedral theme in its appearance, the center of the brestplate resembling panes of cathedral windows. the shoulder pauldrons have each have a horn with carvings into it. the armor has many points where scales have been sewn together and act as mail, freely hanging and shifting and only anchored at the top. underneath the main armor pieces, he wears a shirt of smaller scalemail. he has scale greaves, the closest thing he owns to a pair of shoes. the armor features a motif of a 7 pointed star heavily, as it is the symbol of tamara, his goddess.
need to sift through it and put a short version here...